Saturday, December 10, 2011

Coexistez (French)

So, here is the last post I have to do for class. I do plan to keep posting though. So here is the thing, I talked to you as a global community and as Americans, now let us look at our own back yards. This one is gonna be more of a story though.
 Welcome to Pleasantville!

 Everything in Pleasantville is, well, Pleasant.Kids could ride their bikes without worries, family was everything, and people generally get along. Everything is black and white. It's the perfect, 1950's town. Bud and Mary Sue Parker are just two ordinary teens living in Pleasantville. 

Bud and Mary Sue
Betty and George Parker, Bud and Mary Sue's Parents

Bud at Work with Mr. Johnson

Kids attending Pleasantville High
The Mayor Bowling
George and Betty Parker
 Everything in pleasantville wasn't so pleasant though. Bud and Mary Sue soon brought changes to Pleasantville... Instead of black and white, they brought color to the town.
 Slowly, Pleasantville unravels as more and more color enters the town. The conservative towns people are outraged as Teenagers are turning colors and the town is turned upside down. 

Pleasantville's first fire

Painting on Mr. Johnson's Soda Shop
Soon after Mr. Johnson paints his first painting laws are passed in Pleasantville, segregating those of color, and those that are black and white. You see, there is no tolerance in Pleasantville for anything that is different. They burned books, and chased down anyone who was different.
Soon, Bud and Mr. Johnson tried to make a point by painting a mural to show how Pleasantville needs to change.

This got the both of them into a lot of trouble. They were arrested and brought to court. The one thing they used in their defense, Tolerance. They were able to get everyone to realize that they were the same, no matter what color, or lack there of. The whole town realized they were right and changed colors like the rest.

The Point?
So yeah, Pleasantville is just a movie, but the scenario is based off of racism in the 1950's and 1960's. Teaching Tolerance can benefit a town. Kid's would actually get along instead of bullying one another. Maybe kids would actually stand up for each other and bully's would really get punished. A town without tolerance is like Pleasantville, where nothing goes right.


  1. That was such a smart idea to compare the movie Pleasantville to this coexisting blog. I watched the movie in eight grade in school so I understand your point greatly. If only there was such thing as a perfect world like in the beginning of the movie, but unfortunately there is not and you're right there has to be something done. People need to take action to see that there is hope for a better tomorrow.

  2. Thank you Gianna, I really feel that it represent's my topic in a very specific way.
