Friday, December 9, 2011

Coëxisteer (Dutch)

Looking at the Globe
This past Wednesday marked the 70th anniversary of Pearl Harbor. Since the attack on Pearl Harbor, America has dropped an atomic bomb on Japan, fought communism in the Korean War, the Vietnam War, and the Cold War. We also fought in the Middle East during Desert Storm, Operation Enduring Freedom, and The War on Terror. America, in all these conflicts since the end of WWII, has been attacked just once. ( The only two times since 1900 that America was attacked, were in Pearl Harbor and 9/11.
Out of all the countries in the world, 14 have nuclear weapons. Since their invention, the United States is the only country to have used a nuclear warhead against another country. We used two. That is two too many.

So, why all this talk of nuclear warfare? If there hasn't been a need to drop these horrible devices on each other in almost 70 years, than why do 14 countries need to own them? It’s all a part of a power struggle within our world. Instead of power, we should be looking for peace.

That’s where TEACHING TOLERANCE comes in. With tolerance comes negotiating and understanding skills. Instead of having to drop bombs, tolerance will maybe have people get along. We are a GLOBAL COMMUNITY, it’s time we start acting like one.

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