OK, so I know there hasn't been a post in a while, but now I'm going on STRIKE.... This is against the bills PIPA and SOPA! and there is something you can do. TAKE ACTION!
<iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/31100268?byline=0&portrait=0" width="400" height="225" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="http://vimeo.com/31100268">PROTECT IP / SOPA Breaks The Internet</a> from <a href="http://vimeo.com/fightforthefuture">Fight for the Future</a> on <a href="http://vimeo.com">Vimeo</a>.</p>
So this is bye for now... have fun in the black out!
FYI: For Your Insanity
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Sunday, December 11, 2011
ओएक्षिस्त (Nepali)
Third Challenge!
Here is my third Challenge to you, STEP UP. Take a role in your community. Become a mentor to children. Become a peer mediator, or join a RESPECT club. Start one if need be. There is so much you can do to make a difference in your community and your world!
Сосуществуйте (Russian)
So I lied,there is another post for school. I have found two arguments to this topic that could be important. One is specific to males.
The War Against Boys:
How Misguided Feminism Is Harming Our Young Men
Wow, that is a very powerful statement. This book, which i thought would help with a research paper, actually came in more handy for this. You see, the author, Christina Hoff Sommers, believes that teaching boys to be more delicate and to work their problems out without fighting is wrong. She believes we should let boys be boys and fight. And while this may be true to an extent, violence only begets more violence. Those two boys fighting on the playground today might be robbing a QuickStop tomorrow. I know that sounds a little drastic, but from my own experience, I know. My best friend and I used to wrestle and beat each other up when we had problems. I turned out pretty good, I HOPE.... He on the other hand is serving life in prison. He kept getting more and more violent and actually stabbed someone his senior year in high school. Boys should learn to coexist with each other, or maybe one day they will cause ANOTHER unnecessary war.
It's all about money!
Why should we not coexist? Well, it's the answer to everything, MONEY! Thats right. Look at most of the wars America has been in. The last several were all about money. So, we choose to fight because of money. But that goes against all they teach you in public school. Money does not equal happiness. But that is why we are in war. Yet it won't make us happy in the end.
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Coexistez (French)
So, here is the last post I have to do for class. I do plan to keep posting though. So here is the thing, I talked to you as a global community and as Americans, now let us look at our own back yards. This one is gonna be more of a story though.
Everything in pleasantville wasn't so pleasant though. Bud and Mary Sue soon brought changes to Pleasantville... Instead of black and white, they brought color to the town.
This got the both of them into a lot of trouble. They were arrested and brought to court. The one thing they used in their defense, Tolerance. They were able to get everyone to realize that they were the same, no matter what color, or lack there of. The whole town realized they were right and changed colors like the rest.
Welcome to Pleasantville!
Everything in Pleasantville is, well, Pleasant.Kids could ride their bikes without worries, family was everything, and people generally get along. Everything is black and white. It's the perfect, 1950's town. Bud and Mary Sue Parker are just two ordinary teens living in Pleasantville.
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Bud and Mary Sue |
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Betty and George Parker, Bud and Mary Sue's Parents |
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Bud at Work with Mr. Johnson |
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Kids attending Pleasantville High |
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The Mayor Bowling |
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George and Betty Parker |
Slowly, Pleasantville unravels as more and more color enters the town. The conservative towns people are outraged as Teenagers are turning colors and the town is turned upside down.
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Pleasantville's first fire |
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Painting on Mr. Johnson's Soda Shop |
Soon after Mr. Johnson paints his first painting laws are passed in Pleasantville, segregating those of color, and those that are black and white. You see, there is no tolerance in Pleasantville for anything that is different. They burned books, and chased down anyone who was different.
Soon, Bud and Mr. Johnson tried to make a point by painting a mural to show how Pleasantville needs to change.
This got the both of them into a lot of trouble. They were arrested and brought to court. The one thing they used in their defense, Tolerance. They were able to get everyone to realize that they were the same, no matter what color, or lack there of. The whole town realized they were right and changed colors like the rest.
The Point?
So yeah, Pleasantville is just a movie, but the scenario is based off of racism in the 1950's and 1960's. Teaching Tolerance can benefit a town. Kid's would actually get along instead of bullying one another. Maybe kids would actually stand up for each other and bully's would really get punished. A town without tolerance is like Pleasantville, where nothing goes right.
Friday, December 9, 2011
Coexistir (Gaelic)
So now that we looked at the global effects of tolerance, how about in our own country! Teaching tolerance in America is really important. This country, thought it's come a long way since the early 20th century, there are still many problems. In the early 20th century, women got the 19th Amendment, giving women the right to vote. In the 1960’s, the Civil Rights Act was passed, prohibiting segregation and discrimination based on a person’s race. In the summer of 2011, New york passed a Gay Marriage law, allowing same sex couples to wed. Each of these groups have come a long way since the beginning of the 20th century. Even though these laws and bills were passed, all receive some sort of prejudice against them.
So, how affective can teaching tolerance be in 2011 within America? instead of Gay Marriage being legal in some states, it would be legal in all states. There would be no looking into race on applications for jobs or college. There would be no gender bias when it comes to sports in high school, college, or professionally.
So, how affective can teaching tolerance be in 2011 within America? instead of Gay Marriage being legal in some states, it would be legal in all states. There would be no looking into race on applications for jobs or college. There would be no gender bias when it comes to sports in high school, college, or professionally.
Second Challenge!
Here is my second challenge to all you human beings! Speak up in your community! What I mean by this, try to get coed sports in your high school. Write to your senator and congressmen and push for gay rights. There is so much you can do!
Coëxisteer (Dutch)
Looking at the Globe
This past Wednesday marked the 70th anniversary of Pearl Harbor. Since the attack on Pearl Harbor, America has dropped an atomic bomb on Japan, fought communism in the Korean War, the Vietnam War, and the Cold War. We also fought in the Middle East during Desert Storm, Operation Enduring Freedom, and The War on Terror. America, in all these conflicts since the end of WWII, has been attacked just once. (http://www.historycentral.com/wars.html) The only two times since 1900 that America was attacked, were in Pearl Harbor and 9/11.
Out of all the countries in the world, 14 have nuclear weapons. Since their invention, the United States is the only country to have used a nuclear warhead against another country. We used two. That is two too many.
So, why all this talk of nuclear warfare? If there hasn't been a need to drop these horrible devices on each other in almost 70 years, than why do 14 countries need to own them? It’s all a part of a power struggle within our world. Instead of power, we should be looking for peace.
That’s where TEACHING TOLERANCE comes in. With tolerance comes negotiating and understanding skills. Instead of having to drop bombs, tolerance will maybe have people get along. We are a GLOBAL COMMUNITY, it’s time we start acting like one.
Sunday, December 4, 2011
共存しなさい (Japanese)
As a side post, I found this video. I feel like it goes perfectly with my theme of Coexisting. This kid is tormented everyday. He is different and his peers can't accept it. Please view.
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